Required documents for a B-2 Visa? Applicants applying for a B-2 Visa must bring…

Required documents for a B-2 Visa?

Applicants applying for a B-2 Visa must bring the following documents to the Consulate or Embassy for their visa interview: a valid passport, the DS-160 form confirmation page, a 2×2 inch photo, application fee payment receipt, the appointment letter or a copy of it, proof of current income and assets, a travel itinerary, criminal records in case you have been arrested, a letter from your employer stating your salary, employment period and position.

How to pass the B-1/B-2 Visa interview?

Whether you’re applying for a B1 Visa or a B2 Visa, the questions you’ll be asked at the beginning of your interview with the consular officer will be the same. Have all of your documents in hand, neatly organized and in order. Hand over all documents requested by the interviewer, along with any necessary clarifications. Be confident, keep your answer short and sweet and make sure to show your home ties to your country!

What is a B-2 Visa?

The B2 visa is a non-immigrant visa that allows the bearer to visit the United States for a limited amount of time for travel, recreation, or family reasons. If you are seeking medical treatment in the United States, or if you are an amateur performing in a social and/or charitable context, or as a competitor in a talent show or contest, or if you are an amateur athlete competing in an athletic event, or if your primary purpose of travel is tourism and you will be pursuing a course of study during your stay, you may be eligible for a B-2 visa.

How long does DS 160 last?

You can work on your Form DS-160 at your own pace as long as you keep track of your progress. You have 30 days to finish the DS-160 if you have a partially completed application. You must save your application to your computer hard disk or a USD flash drive after 30 days to access it.

How many B-1/B-2/BCC Visa applications have been accepted?

In recent years, a lot of B-1/B-2 Visa and Border Crossing Cards have been issued! The number of applicants for these visas was gradually going up until the current situation which made the applications plummet down to half!

Why does the U.S. have an increasing number of B-1 and B-2 applicants?

It is no surprise that a huge number of B Visa applicants apply each year. The U.S. is a very diverse country that offers numerous opportunities for business partners to negotiate contracts, tourists to visit the country, athletes to compete in various competitions, family members to visit one another, entertainers to perform, and even people in need of medical treatment to receive proper care!

Do I Get Access to American Healthcare with a Visitor Visa?

You will not receive free healthcare as a foreign visitor to the United States for tourism purposes. The American healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, with a broken leg or broken arm costing $2,500 and a one-night stay in a US hospital costing over $10,000 approximately.

What are the steps to apply for a Visitor Visa?

One of the first steps you need to take is to complete the Form DS-160 which is the Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application. You must then print the confirmation page and take it with you when you schedule and attend the U.S. Embassy interview for your Visa. Before scheduling do not forget to upload a digital photo of your passport scan and pay the fees. Both these documents are necessary for the interview!